KlauPPK Phantom4Pro
  • Plan mapping missions with custom sensors

  • Intuitive pilot display to navigate lines

  • Trajectory processing software

Klau Geomatics Mission Planning

Simple and effective.

    • Import you camera sensor and lens parameters, area of interest and required GSD

    • Determine proposed flight path, height, max speed and trigger interval

    • Compute proposed lines at a fixed height or over SRTM terrain

    • Send data to Flight Management System

    Klau Geomatics Flight Management System

    Custom built for light manned aircaft

    • Designed for simple, single-pilot/operator navigation

    • Map view with proposed flightpath, lead-in lines, aircraft position and photos captured

    • Predictive operation with minimal interaction

    Trajectory Processing Software

    The original KlauPPK software, since 2015, purpose-built for KlauPPK hardware systems. You will need KlauPPK hardware, which is compatible with most drones, manned aircraft and cameras. 
    A streamlined workflow to create accurate camera positioning in any coordinate system.
     KlauPPK software enables professional users to achieve the most accurate and reliable results. PPK does not require a real-time connection to a base station. Not only does this save you time in the field, but the data collected is complete, with no losses due to communications links or range. This means better data quality, and with rigorous post-processing, the solution is more accurate and reliable than a real-time RTK solution.
    The KlauPPK software solution now also offers PPP post processing for a no-base-station solution. A subscription to satellite corrections data is required for real time PPP, or the data can be pushed to MakeItAccurate for a post processed solution.

    Full Software Suite to create accurate PPK or PPP camera positions in any coordinate system.

    PPP Near Real Time Corrections Service to access satellite clock and ephemeris data and precise ionosphere modelling for PPP (no base station) processing.

    No Survey Equipment or GCPs Required. Using the KlauPPK software, you can use your drone as a survey grade receiver, to collect any number of check or control points. This optimizes your equipment overhead and reduces field time and operational costs. You no longer need to place and recover smart ground control points or measure targets with survey equipment. (unfortunately you can’t do this with DJI drones).
    Integrated PPK Base Station Data. KlauPPK software has seamlessly integrated both free and commercial CORS data sources in most parts of the world. This enables users to process their PPK data without having to set up a base station or search for the right data.
    Integrated Real Time PPP Global Satellite Corrections Data. KlauPPK software will automatically apply your corrected trajectoryto provide high accuracy post processed positions anywhere in the world without any base station data. This service is locked to KlauPPK hardware products.
    3D Lever Arm Correction. This feature brings even more precision to the computed results by modelling the 3D offset between the GPS antenna and the camera centre, or lever arm, which changes as the drone tilts in different directions. This enables the software to determine the exact camera centre position for each photo.
    Geoid and Coordinate System Support. KlauPPK software converts the default WGS84 geographic coordinates to any published coordinate system and applies the geoid separation. Users can also add a new coordinate system, perform datum transformations and site localization to calculate accurate camera positions in their local site frame of reference.
    Smart Geotagging. Computed high-accuracy camera positions with their horizontal and vertical accuracy values can be written to the image EXIF data, or to a text file with other survey report information. The accuracy values are applied in photogrammetry processing software, again helping to achieve the best possible results.
    Added efficiency, reliability and accuracy.

    Configure your Klau Geomatics system.

    Contact us to discuss your requirements.